File Move/Copy

Important Reminder: Do not close your browser or navigate away from the page during a Move or Copy action until you see a "Success Message." Closing or navigating away prematurely may result in unusable files and require repeating the process.

  1. Navigate to the Folder(s): Use the left menu to select the desired folder(s), sub-folder(s), or folder icon in the document view. You can select one folder and then hold your Control key to select multiple folders for the same action.

  2. Move or Copy a File: Locate the file, click the dropdown menu on its row, and select "Move" or "Copy."

Follow these steps carefully to ensure a smooth process.

Step 3: Select Source and Destination

Choose your source folder and destination folder. You can include subfolders in a single action for efficiency.

Reminder: Please remain on the page and not close your browser until you receive a "Success Message" confirming the process is complete. Navigating away prematurely may disrupt the action and require repeating the steps.

Step 4: Configure Settings

Before finalizing the Move or Copy action, review and apply any desired settings, such as security permissions or other preferences, to ensure the files are handled appropriately.

Step 5: Enable Notifications (Optional)

If you want users to be notified about changes to files or folders, select the notification option to keep them informed throughout the process.

List of Steps - 

  • Source: This is the current location of the file.
  • Destination: Choose where you want the file moved or copied.
  • Settings: Set the settings for the file
    • Security Level: The security level (1-9) determines whether or not the user will see this file. Users will see files at their assigned security level and below.
    • Security Section: Files can be tagged with a custom security section. Users will see files within their security level and below with their assigned sections and without a section.
    • Ignore Duplicates: The default is (Yes) to ignore duplicate files. If set to (No), duplicate files will be uploaded with an appended number or overwritten.
    • Overwrite file if exists: If Ignoring duplicates is (No), this determines if the file will be uploaded with an appended number or overwritten/replaced.
    • Keep Document Tags: The default is (Yes), which means the document tags set on this file will remain. If set to (No), they will be removed.
  • Summary: Lists the settings set for the file.